Robust products to help your business towards digitization journey
With an focus to make world class software products BSC Global has happy customers for ERP products , Service Management software , Store management software, Project Management Software , Recruitment software , AI based sales analysis software and many more….

Get the Control of Project Sites in Transmission with BSC’s Kurrent
Kurrent is efficient Store Management Software. It can help in managing projects and stock lying at project sites and contractors. With an improved user experience help to drive efficiencies and operational cost reductions and enabling them to meet business, financial, capability, and management drivers.

Store Management
Store manager should be able to have right reports and track of data while doing inward or allocation of material to contractor or subcontractor. He gets clear picture of consumptions and alerts of Asset transfers .
Inward,Allocation,Intend Creation,Stock,Consumption,Return from Store
Return from Contractor,Closure or Project,Stock Transfer,Asset Management

Contractor Management
With Kurrent you not only empower Contractors of the project to handle their business operations but also help them to see allocations, create requests for material or return materials ,help in invoicing and many more functions .
Intend Creation,Return inventory for broken /damaged material,Can check her own stock,Can check intend waiting for approval or in transit and expected date of arrival,Can create debit note,Can create Pro-forma invoice for any services

Consumption Management
Right tracking of consumptions at each site and at contractor sites helps to find materials and keep the big asset tracking in place. Consumables tracking are the main feature of this module.
BOM is assignment to Project.
Consumables are updated
PM approvals
Right integrations with source system