With a proven track record of delivering the simplest solutions in ERP, BSC Global brings SimpHCM as the simplified Human Capital Management Software that has ensured that clients get the real insight into various domains of human capital management . HCM delivers various areas which with an built in Chat bots for Employee Onboarding – Employee Onboarding -Self Service for Recruitment , Appraisal for employee for growth , Analytics and insight , Timesheet Management with back end systems , Salary Processing can be done , Recruitment management for employees ,Learning Hub – get your all certificate courses in system and align the learning curve for all your employees.

Covering end to end Road Map designing to modernization digitalization of HCM management . We help our partners to adopt, Innovate, Realize and Analyse their Human Capital management with simplified solutions and approaches to help in modernizing the Employee support and selection.
- On Cloud
- In Built Artificial Intelligence to help you with vendor comparison
- Mobile App
- BOTS for various processes for automation
- Analytics
- Security
How BSC Global Can help you with Human Capital Management?
Adoption and Reachability
Simplified Adoption of HCM BSC Global brings business understanding for the relevant business processes which can automate various Human Capital management processes and help you to selection of right candiates, job applications, master data management, salary and various processes .Its available on cloud and with just 6 days of adoption cycle you can begin your vendor management software.
Its been observed that employee data management and its validation time to time takes lot of efforts for the core team. The self service option for employee master data and various bots which are built in help reduce the efforts of corporate HR Team .
Self Service
And Plan the business
Many Successful Go Lives
With simpHCM you empower your business to find the right candidate for you product or service needs with the easy rating and search options. You can rate around 10 parameters of each and compare them to get the right vendor for your needs.
With a proven competence of delivering finest and successful implementations across the globe in Analytics and advance BSC delivers some of the finest analytics insight for bench marking , rating and analytics of various KPI’s of Employee analysis
Business to get the right Employee for service and product
Why Choose Global BSC for HCM Software?
Company to Implement VM
BSC Global has been delivering the fastest deployments in various ERP areas including HCM . It a ready to deploy for various customers who want to just allow their employee to login and work.
Effective Solutions
The software has been the most cost effective solution for adoption on cloud. With the minimum deployment cost you can just begin the most cost effective solution on cloud . PAY PER PAY SLIP IS THE MOST COST EFFECTIVE MODEL. We allow our customers to adopt the same
Cost Reduction in HCM
Its been observed that BSC Global HCM Sofware has reduced the cost of employee onboarding to employee management and operations . Thus helping business to get the real value from the deployment.
Award Winning Solutions
Built in Bots for self Service of employee in terms of onboarding to daily operations
Amongst First HCM tool addons for background verification through tool
Security audit of the software suggests that its the most secure architecture
Q1 . Can you tell little bit about SAP Integration with iServe Vendor Management Software?
With all built interfaces and workflows in place its each to integrate Vendor Management software for SAP customers
Q2. Is this free Vendor Management Software download?
Trial version is free, If you find it valuable buy license version.