Lightning Turbo: Unleash the power of your Salesforce lightning: Migration & Adoption with BSC Global

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Lightning Turbo Webinar - BSC Global


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About this Event: Lightning Turbo

Salesforce has turned on Lightning Experience for all organizations that don’t already have it enabled. Of course, this doesn’t mean that access to Salesforce Classic is limited, but it’s still a lot of pressure for companies that haven’t moved to Lightning Experience yet. At Dreamforce 2019, we met with several companies that have either just migrated from Classic to Lightning Experience or are planning to migrate in 2020. Watch our webinar to learn all about migrating to Lightning Experience and how you can address the various post-migration scenarios


This Webinar is for

  • Organization using Salesforce Classic, Aura, Visual Force .
  • Organization who wants migrate to salesforce lightning.
  • Businesses looking for simple & cost effective method for Migration and Adoption.

Key Takeaways

  • Learn why do you need to switch to Salesforce Lightning.
  • Know the salesforce lightning migration plan.
  • How BSC Global help with salesforce Migration and Adoption.