SAP APO To IBP Migration

Event Details

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SAP APO To IBP Migration - BSC Global
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About this Event

SAP APO to IBP: SAP Advanced Planning and Optimization (SAP-APO) covers a large number of functions when it comes to planning, scheduling and executing logistics processes. SAP-APO is part of the SAP Supply Chain Management solution portfolio and helps address critical business questions such as “Is the company’s production capacity well utilized?”, “Are there any inventories that are not needed and are only tying up capital?” or “How can we adapt quickly our planning in case of supply shortages?”.

Introspectively, APO provides a set of tools supporting strategic and operational planning and supports ongoing optimization and measurement of the logistics network and processes. APO’s external orientation supports cooperation with logistics business partners from order acceptance to delivery of goods.


This Event is for

  • This is an Educative Event so, this is for everyone!
  • Businesses who want migrate to SAP IBP
  • All type of Industries.


Key Takeaways

  • Key Features and benefits of SAP IBP.
  • Why now is the best time to migrate SAP APO to SAP IBP.
  • Learn how your business can create or adopt scalable digital solution with BSC Global to capitalize your real time data in most efficient way possible.
  • How BSC Global’s solution will make migration processes easy for partners.