ServiceNow & Salesforce Easy Integration learn why and how you will integrate

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Salesforce and ServiceNow Integration - BSC Global 
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About this Event

Salesforce and ServiceNow are two leading enterprise platforms. Each of these offers great value on their own, but together they form a powerful combination. By integrating Salesforce with ServiceNow, you can take the employee and customer experience to the next level.

Integrating Salesforce and ServiceNow will transform your day-to-day operations and ensure that sales, finance, support and organization data is consistent across the organization. Salesforce can send data such as customer support information to ServiceNow or task data to financial systems. And ServiceNow updates their related accounts in Salesforce, allowing everyone to work from a common set of updated datasets.

This Webinar is for

  • The organizations who are using ServiceNow .
  • Organization who wants to integrate with ServiceNow.
  • Organizations looking for simple & cost effective method for Integration.

Key Takeaways

  • Learn why to integrate with ServiceNow.
  • Know which is the cost effective way to integrate salesforce with ServiceNow.
  • Salesforce ServiceNow integration use case.