Kaybouvet SAP (AMS)

Enhancing SAP Application Management Services: Kaybouvet’s Journey with BSC Global


This case study showcases the successful implementation of SAP Application Management Services (AMS) for Kaybouvet, a leading provider of interior design solutions. Kaybouvet recognized the need for efficient SAP system management and support to optimize their business operations. They partnered with BSC Global, a trusted IT service provider specializing in SAP solutions, to implement SAP AMS and ensure continuous system availability and performance.

Client Profile:

Company Name: Kaybouvet

Industry: Interior Design Solutions

Operations: Global presence with multiple locations

Key Focus Area: SAP System Management and Support

Challenges Faced by Kaybouvet:

  • Resource Constraints: Kaybouvet had limited internal resources to manage and support their SAP system effectively. They needed external expertise to ensure the system’s smooth operation, timely issue resolution, and proactive maintenance.
  • System Downtime and Performance Issues: The SAP system experienced occasional downtime and performance issues, impacting business operations and productivity. Kaybouvet sought a solution to minimize system disruptions and maintain high system performance.
  • Technical Support and Troubleshooting: Kaybouvet faced challenges in troubleshooting system issues and obtaining timely technical support. They required a dedicated support team with expertise in SAP solutions to address their concerns promptly.
  • System Enhancements and Upgrades: Kaybouvet sought to leverage the latest features and functionalities of SAP by implementing system enhancements and regular upgrades. They needed a partner to manage the entire upgrade process efficiently.

Solution Offered by BSC Global:

BSC Global proposed a comprehensive SAP AMS solution to address Kaybouvet’s system management and support challenges. The key components of the solution included:

  • System Monitoring and Maintenance: BSC Global implemented robust monitoring tools and processes to proactively monitor Kaybouvet’s SAP system. This ensured continuous system availability, performance optimization, and timely identification of potential issues.
  • Help Desk and Ticket Management: BSC Global established a dedicated help desk and ticket management system to handle Kaybouvet’s system-related queries, issues, and service requests. This provided a centralized platform for users to report and track their concerns.
  • Incident Resolution and Problem Management: BSC Global’s team of SAP experts provided timely incident resolution and problem management services. They swiftly identified and resolved system issues, minimizing downtime and optimizing system performance.
  • Technical Support and Consultation: BSC Global offered ongoing technical support to Kaybouvet’s SAP users, addressing their queries, providing guidance, and offering best practices for system usage. This ensured smooth system operation and user satisfaction.
  • System Enhancements and Upgrades: BSC Global collaborated with Kaybouvet to plan and execute system enhancements and regular upgrades. This included assessing business requirements, implementing new functionalities, and performing system testing and validation.

Results and Benefits:

The SAP AMS implementation by BSC Global delivered significant results and benefits to Kaybouvet:

  • Increased System Stability: The proactive system monitoring and maintenance implemented by BSC Global resulted in increased system stability and reduced downtime. Kaybouvet experienced improved system availability, ensuring uninterrupted business operations.
  • Efficient Issue Resolution: The dedicated help desk and timely incident resolution services provided by BSC Global enabled Kaybouvet to address system issues promptly. This improved the overall user experience and productivity.
  • Reliable Technical Support: BSC Global’s team of SAP experts offered reliable technical support to Kaybouvet’s SAP users. They were able to obtain timely assistance and guidance, resolving their queries and concerns efficiently.
  • Seamless System Upgrades: BSC Global managed the entire system upgrade process for Kaybouvet, ensuring smooth transitions to the latest SAP versions. This allowed Kaybouvet to leverage new features, functionalities, and security enhancements.
  • Cost Optimization: Kaybouvet achieved cost optimization by outsourcing their SAP system management and support to BSC Global. They could avoid hiring additional internal resources and leverage BSC Global’s expertise and cost-effective service model.


The successful implementation of SAP AMS by BSC Global empowered Kaybouvet to optimize their SAP system management and support. The solution delivered increased system stability, efficient issue resolution, reliable technical support, seamless system upgrades, and cost optimization. BSC Global’s expertise in SAP solutions, proactive system monitoring, and dedicated support services played a pivotal role in delivering a successful SAP AMS implementation, supporting Kaybouvet’s vision of maximizing the value of their SAP investment and ensuring uninterrupted business operations in the interior design solutions industry.