Rich’s SAP

Driving Operational Excellence: SAP Application Management Services (AMS) for Rich’s by BSC Global


This case study highlights the successful implementation of SAP Application Management Services (AMS) for Rich’s, a global leader in the food manufacturing industry. Recognizing the need for reliable support and continuous optimization of their SAP systems, Rich’s partnered with BSC Global, a trusted IT service provider specializing in SAP solutions. Through the SAP AMS engagement, Rich’s aimed to ensure system stability, improve operational efficiency, and maximize the value of their SAP investment.

Client Profile:

Company Name: Rich’s

Industry: Food Manufacturing

Operations: Global presence with multiple production facilities and distribution networks

Key Focus Area: SAP System Support and Optimization

Challenges Faced by Rich’s:

  • System Stability and Reliability: Rich’s SAP systems experienced occasional disruptions and performance issues, impacting their day-to-day operations. They required a proactive and reliable support system to ensure system stability and minimize downtime.
  • Scalability and System Enhancements: Rich’s sought to align their SAP systems with their evolving business needs. They needed a partner that could provide scalable solutions and support system enhancements to accommodate growth, industry changes, and new business requirements.
  • Operational Efficiency and Process Optimization: Rich’s aimed to streamline their business processes, eliminate manual efforts, and improve operational efficiency. They required expert guidance to identify process bottlenecks, implement automation, and optimize workflows within their SAP systems.
  • SAP Expertise and Support: Rich’s needed access to a team of SAP experts who could provide timely support, resolve issues efficiently, and offer strategic advice for ongoing system improvements.

Solution Offered by BSC Global:

  • BSC Global provided comprehensive SAP Application Management Services (AMS) to address Rich’s challenges and optimize their SAP systems. The key components of the solution included:
  • Proactive System Monitoring and Support: BSC Global implemented a robust monitoring system to proactively identify and resolve issues within Rich’s SAP systems. They provided 24/7 system monitoring, incident management, and timely support to ensure system stability and minimize disruptions.
  • System Enhancements and Upgrades: BSC Global collaborated closely with Rich’s to understand their business requirements and implemented necessary enhancements and system upgrades. This included the implementation of new functionalities, system optimizations, and integration with third-party solutions.
  • Business Process Optimization: BSC Global conducted a thorough analysis of Rich’s business processes within their SAP systems. They identified bottlenecks, manual tasks, and areas for improvement. BSC Global then implemented process optimizations, automation, and best practices to enhance operational efficiency and reduce costs.
  • Continuous System Improvements: BSC Global provided ongoing support and strategic advice to Rich’s for continuous system improvements. They conducted regular system audits, identified performance optimization opportunities, and recommended innovative solutions to maximize the value of Rich’s SAP investment.

Results and Benefits:

  • The SAP Application Management Services (AMS) engagement by BSC Global delivered significant results and benefits to Rich’s:
  • Enhanced System Stability: The proactive system monitoring and support provided by BSC Global ensured the stability and reliability of Rich’s SAP systems. System downtime and disruptions were minimized, allowing Rich’s to operate seamlessly.
  • Scalable Solutions and System Upgrades: BSC Global enabled Rich’s to align their SAP systems with their evolving business needs. They implemented scalable solutions and supported system upgrades, ensuring the systems were equipped to handle growing business demands.
  • Streamlined Business Processes: Through process optimizations and automation, BSC Global streamlined Rich’s business processes within their SAP systems. This resulted in improved operational efficiency, reduced manual efforts, and enhanced productivity.
  • Access to SAP Expertise: Rich’s benefited from the expertise of BSC Global’s SAP professionals. They received timely support, efficient issue resolution, and strategic advice for ongoing system improvements.
  • Cost Savings and Value Optimization: The optimized SAP systems and streamlined processes led to cost savings for Rich’s. They achieved improved resource utilization, minimized errors, and maximized the value of their SAP investment.


The successful implementation of SAP Application Management Services (AMS) by BSC Global enabled Rich’s to drive operational excellence and maximize the value of their SAP systems. The partnership between Rich’s and BSC Global ensured system stability, provided scalable solutions, streamlined business processes, and delivered access to SAP expertise. BSC Global’s commitment to proactive support, continuous system improvements, and collaborative approach played a vital role in the success of the SAP AMS engagement for Rich’s. The collaboration resulted in enhanced operational efficiency, cost savings, and a competitive advantage for Rich’s in the food manufacturing industry.