Empowering Industry 4.0 with SAP Digital Manufacturing Solution

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SAP Digital Manufacturing


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About this Event: SAP Digital Manufacturing

By 2025, at least 70% of enterprise applications in production will be Digital Technologies enabled

Find out how BSC GLOBAL IS HELPING CUSTOMERS THROUGH digital business transformation for discrete and process industries, enabling agile, resilient, and highly autonomous manufacturing and quality systems, by embedding industrial IoT and intelligence into manufacturing operations and supply chain processes.


This Webinar is for

  • This is an Educative Event so, this is for everyone!
  • Businesses Who want to automate their Manufacturing Process.
  • All type of Industries.


Key Takeaways

  • Digital Manufacturing In Nutshell.
  • Explore Different Solutions of SAP in Digital manufacturing.
  • How BSc Global Help’s you to adapt Digital manufacturing Solutions.