SAP HANA Migration

Reduce down time and cost of SAP HANA Migrations

We simplify the SAP HANA Migration and also help customers to get the best output with the new migrated systems. BSC as a SAP HANA Migration Service provider has delivered successful migrations in various platform of cloud, on-premise and hybrid options . Right Assessment, Right Sizing ,Right Strategy and Right road map has been the mantra for successful migrations .End to End SAP Migration services covers both the technical – Code optimization and new adoptions and functional -process and configuration improvisation.Code conversion time reduced with SAP HANA Migration tool.

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SAP HANA is intelligent in-memory computing engine which can leverage the ERP operational efficiency for SAP Customer. BSC Global has a young and dynamic team which has delivered successful implementations, migrations, upgrades and improvisation services under SAP HANA service line. SAP HANA Migration has never been an easy without simplification tools like DCORE by BSC. Our SAP HANA Migrations Services include – Assessment Services, Pre Migration Project Services for cleaning and process optimization, Sizing Services , Dcore Solution Usuage as Service , Actual Migration Services, improvisation service which includes optimization and adoption of new areas of HANA.

How BSC Global can help you with SAP HANA Migration Tool in Project


Clear Approach and Experience for Migration

Our SAP Services helped customers to make the migration an easy approach to ahead. BSC has developed a tool and strategy to have clear pre-migration approach in place. The clear pre-migration approach which is derived with our proprietary tools and approach helps customer to derive the best Project plan with clear demarcation of SAP HANA Project Pre-requisites , SAP HANA Project steps and clear plan. Various SAP HANA Project scenarios are well covered to help with the simple approach

We ensure that SAP AWS migrations are successful by clear focus to enhance and bring the real power and capabilities of SAP HANA AWS to customer. SAP HANA Projects run by BSC have a real focus to enhance the functional , reporting and performance capabilities of ERP system.


Add Value to Migration


Ensure Right ROI for the business

We ensure that customers cherishes the SAP HANA Migration services of BSC by ensuring return of investment for business. We migrate and add value of analytics including the predictive analytics,operational analytics ,strategic Analytics along with improved user experience for approval and reporting performance. Simplify the data entry and automate the capabilities.


Dcore – Right Tool for Modernization

DCore is a BSC’s propriety tool which has been designed to help you in finding the best path to SAP S4 HANA migration and optimize your cost of moving to modernized digital world in SAP. It helps you to take the best from S4 HANA systems in case you have already moved to HANA.

Why Choose BSC Global for SAP HANA Migration

One Stop

BSC has proven experience of handing All SAP HANA Services

Customer Speak

Head of IT ,

India’s Largest Construction Company

After we migrated



we saw the

reporting performance

increase by 70%.



Cost Saving with BSC’s Dcore Solution

BSC Dcore has helped to reduce the cost of migration.DCore comes with set of ready to use SAP programs which are provided to all our SAP clients to have better insight of few important points which are required to be addressed for HANA Migrations thus reducing few manual activities or last minute surprises.

Customer are getting the real value of HANA systems with our SAP HANA migration Services. With our 70% reporting performance using the SAP FIORI application, immediate turn around for approvals and getting the forecasting and predictions done in embedded system . BSC as SAP HANA Service Provider has created real value for customer.


Improved Reporting Performance


Do we need to buy Additional license to adopt BSC’s Dcore?

No, BSC is selling Dcore as a service and no license is additionally required for this.

Can BSC provide help in S4 HANA assessment?

Yes BSC will provide free help in assessment and designing roadmap.

How may days does it take for migration?

It varies from system to system complexity, BSC has record time for migration of 5 Days which is appreciate by AWS as well.

What are the possible way to migration in SAP?

SAP OS DB Migration, SAP Cloud Migration, SAP to Azure Migration, Migrate SAP to Azure, Oracle to SAP Migration, s4 Hana Data Migration, SAP on Premise to AWS Cloud Migration, SAP to AWS Migration, SAP r3 to s4 Hana Migration.